Knowledge Base

Alarm Ordinance

Category: General Questions

False alarms have become an enormous concern for law enforcement agencies everywhere. Millions of dollars and staff-hours are spent chasing "burglars" which turn out to be nothing more than floating birthday balloons, unrestricted pets, or paper falling from a fax machine (just to name a few).

We understand that by using your alarm system, you're looking out for those you care about. The purpose of the ordinance is not to make money. In fact, the cost-recovery measures only cover about half of the false alarm related costs to the city.

The hope is to alleviate the false alarm problem, thereby redirecting public safety resources to more effectively serve the community as a whole. Our goal is to make Glendale a safer place to live for all of our citizens, whether they own security systems or not.

Find out more by visiting: Alarm Ordinance

Updated 12/18/2019 11:37 AM
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