Knowledge Base


Category: General Questions

What is panhandling and what are the laws regarding it?

Panhandling is soliciting money, services, food etc. from strangers. The soliciting may be verbal or use signage. Panhandling on private property could be considered Trespassing if one refuses to leave the property after a reasonable request has been made by the owner / agent of the owner.

If panhandling is occurring on public property, it is protected under the First Amendment and it is not illegal, unless it is not appropriate as to “time, place and manner” and the panhandler violates the law. For example, if the panhandler is in the roadway and is obstructing the flow of traffic. In such case, please call the Glendale Police Department non-emergency number at (623) 930-3000 for service.

Updated 12/18/2019 11:07 AM
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